
360影视 日韩动漫 2025-03-11 09:47 3







- “贩夫走卒,引车卖浆是古已有之的正当职业。我的当事人,被生活所迫,在这么大城市从事这样一份卑微贫贱的工作,谋生养家糊口,收入微薄,但他始终善良淳朴。无论这个社会怎样漠视或伤害他,他从来没有偷盗,没有抢劫,没有以妨碍他人的方式生存。”

- “在法庭上我要庄严地问各位法官、检察官:当一个人赖以谋生的饭碗被打碎,被逼上走投无路的绝境,将心比心,你们会不会比我的当事人更加冷静和忍耐?”

- “我们的当下的法律,我们的城市管理制度,究竟要使我们的公民更幸福,还是使他们更窘困?




Peddlers and hawkers, those who pull carts and sell beverages, have been engaged in legitimate occupations since ancient times. My client, driven by the hardships of life, has been engaged in such a humble and lowly job in this huge city, making a living to support his family. His income is meager, but he has always been kind and simple. No matter how indifferently this society treats him, he has never stolen, never robbed, and has not survived in a way that hinders others.

I solemnly pose this question to all the judges and prosecutors in this courtroom: When a person's means of making a living is shattered and he is driven to a desperate situation, putting yourselves in his shoes, would you be calmer and more patient than my client?

My client, Cui Yingjie, has always been a filial son and a law-abiding citizen. He was an excellent soldier in the army, and he and his comrades have been silently contributing to the peace of our country.

When he took off his military uniform and left the barracks, even though he wasn't provided with an arranged job, he didn't complain about the injustice the society had done to him.

In this country, there are no less than a million demobilized soldiers like Cui Yingjie who are quietly trying to make a living. They are also paying attention to Cui Yingjie's fate and the outcome of this case.

Our laws and our urban management system—do they aim to make our citizens happier or make their lives more difficult? As legal professionals, is our mission to make this society more harmonious or make it more tragic? We have already lost Li Zhiqiang. Do we really have to lose Cui Yingjie as well?

