
360影视 欧美动漫 2025-03-12 16:51 2

摘要:本文审核专家参考文献[1] 罗伯特.费尔德曼. (2009). 发展心理学(第4版). 北京世图出版社.[2] Are friends better for us than family?(2017). MUS TODAY[3] Bosle, C., Bren

原创 阿发 丁香医生难过的时候,想给朋友打电话;工作压力大的时候,想和朋友出去吃顿大餐;看到好看的电影、搞笑的小视频,第一时间想分享给朋友。当我们遇到困难的时候,朋友会出现;每次见完朋友,也都会很开心——如果你此时此刻脑海里「叮」一下出现了那个人,那么建议你立马分享给 TA 一起看。要知道,当我们拥有能给到我们「支持」的真挚的朋友,我们收获的不仅仅是当下的精神力量,还会给我们的身体带来一些神奇的功效:科学研究发现,友谊就像是一剂精神大补丸,不仅有短时降「压」的功效,还会让我们变得更健康、更长寿!本文审核专家参考文献[1] 罗伯特.费尔德曼. (2009). 发展心理学(第4版). 北京世图出版社.[2] Are friends better for us than family?(2017). MUS TODAY[3] Bosle, C., Brenner, H., Fischer, J. E., Jarczok, M. N., Schöttker, B., Perna, L., Hoffmann, K., & Herr, R. M. (2021). The association between supportive social ties and autonomic nervous system function-differences between family ties and friendship ties in a cohort of older adults. European journal of ageing, 19(2), 263–276.[4]Brent, L. J., Chang, S. W., Gariépy, J. F., & Platt, M. L. (2014). The neuroethology of friendship. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1316(1), 1–17.[5]Inoue, K., Tsugawa, Y., Mayeda, E. R., & Ritz, B. (2023). Association of Daily Step Patterns With Mortality in US Adults. JAMA network open, 6(3), e235174.[6]John F. Helliwell, Haifang Huang.(2013). Comparing the Happiness Effects of Real and On-Line Friends[7]Kim, E. S., Chopik, W. J., Chen, Y., Wilkinson, R., & VanderWeele, T. J. (2023). United we thrive: friendship and subsequent physical, behavioural and psychosocial health in older adults (an outcome-wide longitudinal approach). Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 32, e65. doi:10.1017/S204579602300077XIF: 5.9 Q1[8]Kambara, A., Mitsuishi, H., & Harada, Y. (2024). Does the presence of a friend reduce cardiovascular response to stress even over a screen?. PloS one, 19(12), e0314562.[9]Meliksah Demir(2007). Close friendships and happiness among young adults.[10]Nagano Y, Kodama M. The effect of a supportive other on cardiovascular responses. Jpn J Physiol Psychol Psychophysiol. 2005;23: 197–205.[11]Picton, C., Kahu, E.R., & Nelson, K. (2017). Friendship supported learning – the role of friendships in first-year students’ university experiences.[12]Wing, R. R., & Jeffery, R. W. (1999). Benefits of recruiting participants with friends and increasing social support for weight loss and maintenance. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 67(1), 132–138策划制作策划:阿发 | 监制:Feidi插图:《重启人生》《破产姐妹》封面图来源:站酷海洛原标题:《和朋友在一起真的大补!这是有科学依据的》

