摘要:由中国科学院主管,中国科学院生态环境研究中心和中国长江三峡集团有限公司联合主办,中国城市科学研究会水环境与水生态分会协办的中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊《水与生态(英文)》(Water & Ecology,缩写W&E,E-ISSN 3050 4724)创刊
由中国科学院主管,中国科学院生态环境研究中心和中国长江三峡集团有限公司联合主办,中国城市科学研究会水环境与水生态分会协办的中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊《水与生态(英文)》(Water & Ecology,缩写W&E,E-ISSN 3050 4724)创刊号已有4篇文章陆续上线ScienceDirect平台(https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/water-and-ecology),请您扫描下面二维码先睹为快。已上线的论文包括1篇综述(Review),2篇研究论文(Research Article)及1篇展望(Perspective)。
Article 1
Significance and Enlightenment of Implementing Water Ecological Assessment
责任作者 曲久辉院士
1. Water ecological assessment faces human-induced and naturally occurring challenges.
2. The evolution, indicators, changes, difficulties, enlightenment and outlook were studied.
3. Indicators refer to hydrology, water quality, habitats, organisms, and ecological services.
4. The unification, integration, standardization, and sustainability are suggested being enhanced.
Citation: Qu J H, Peng J F. Significance and enlightenment of implementing water ecological assessment. Water & Ecology 2025; 1(1): 100002.
DOI: 10.1016/j.wateco.2025.100002.
CSTR: 32398.14.j.wateco.2025.100002.
Article 2
Adjustable Microbial Cross-feedings Adapt toLandforms in the Yangtze River
责任作者 刘思彤研究员
1. Metabolic cross-feedings are more extensive than that inferred from functional complementarity.
2. Comammox Nitrospira is an amino acid donor in plain region and a recipient in mountain-foothill region.
3. Aggregation benefits comammox Nitrospira with metabolic deficiencies to absorb metabolites from others to increase their survival capacity.
4. Cross-feedings are important in the microbial community assembly and nitrogen cycling in the Yangtze River.
Citation: Feng Y M, Zhao Y P, Wu X G et al. Adjustable microbial cross-feedings adapt to landforms in the Yangtze River. Water & Ecology 2025; 1(1): 100004.
DOI: 10.1016/j.wateco.2025.100004.
CSTR: 32398.14.j.wateco.2025.100004.
Article 3
Evolution Patterns of Water Ecology and Systematic Governance in the Yangtze River Basin
责任作者 王殿常 正高级工程师
In this study, we propose a theoretical analysis framework of SES as a guidance to understand the water ecology pattern evolution over the past century in the Yangtze River Basin, one of the most densely populated and intensively developed large river basin on Earth. The evolutionary characteristics of the water ecology pattern in the Yangtze River Basin are quantitatively analyzed from multiple aspects. Then, the regime shifts of the water ecology pattern evolution in the Yangtze River Basin are identified based on the change of interactions between system components, and the driven mechanisms of each evolutionary stage were revealed. Moreover, governance strategies are proposed for the water system in the Yangtze River Basin in the new era, with the purpose of achieving harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. These strategies provide support for promoting overall high-quality development and high-level protection in the Yangtze River Basin, as well as offering a paradigm reference for major river protection worldwide.
Citation: Wang D C, Li W, Xu Xingya et al. Evolution patterns of water ecology and systematic governance in the Yangtze River Basin. Water & Ecology 2025; 1(1): 100001.
DOI: 10.1016/j.wateco.2025.100001.
CSTR: 32398.14.j.wateco.2025.100001.
Article 4
Mechanism-data Dual-driven Research Framework for Whole-process Water Conservation and Carbon Emission Reduction within Industrial Parks
责任作者 曹宏斌研究员
Chinese industrial sector is currently facing the challenge of achieving an optimal balance among water conservation, carbon emission reduction, and aquatic ecosystem preservation at a manageable or minimal cost. To address this challenge, a mechanism-data dual-driven research framework is presented in this work. Firstly, based on a deep understanding of the mechanisms underlying typical water-use, wastewater treatment and reuse processes within industrial parks, a hybrid modeling approach was adopted to describe these processes and their associated carbon emission behaviors. Secondly, a superstructure optimization model specifically tailored for water-carbon-economy nexus problem was formulated. By solving the obtained optimization model, the optimal technical pathway for simultaneous water conservation and carbon emission reduction at a minimum water-use cost can be identified. It provides valuable information to support the decision-making about water network optimization within industrial parks. Our case studies demonstrate that this research framework can successfully describe the complex water network configuration, water related operations, and their carbon emission behaviors within industrial parks. Therefore, the framework can provide a solution which balances local and overall benefits, as well as economic benefits and environmental impacts.
Citation: Zhao Y H, Cao H B. Mechanism-data dual-driven research framework for whole-process water conservation and carbon emission reduction within industrial parks. Water & Ecology 2025; 1(1): 100003.
DOI: 10.1016/j.wateco.2025.100003.
CSTR: 32398.14.j.wateco.2025.100003.