摘要:《国际研究评论》(Review of International Studies)是由剑桥大学出版社代表英国国际研究协会出版且同行评审的国际关系学术期刊,其前身为British Journal of International Studies(1975 - 1
《国际研究评论》(Review of International Studies)是由剑桥大学出版社代表英国国际研究协会出版且同行评审的国际关系学术期刊,其前身为British Journal of International Studies(1975 - 1980) 。该期刊致力于反映全球政治的性质变化和新兴的政治挑战,旨在为国际社会搭建一个可供辩论的平台用以讨论当下紧迫的全球议题。过去五年综合影响因子为3.6。
1 揭露语言帝国主义:为什么全球国际关系(IR)必须是多语言的
Exposing linguistic imperialism: Why global IR has to be multilingual
2 国际关系中的视觉观察:关注力、细致描述与不同视角的政治
Visual (data) observation in International Relations: Attentiveness, close description, and the politics of seeing differently
3 导航当代电视中的核叙事:《BBC警戒线》
Navigating nuclear narratives in contemporary television: The BBC’s Vigil
4 铭刻安全:泽连斯基自拍的案例
Inscribing security: The case of Zelensky’s selfies
5 “抗疫如抗敌”:越南早期新冠疫情安全化中的公众能动性与历史资源
‘Chống dịch như chống giặc’ (‘Fighting the pandemic like fighting the invader’): Audience agency and historical resources in Vietnam’s early securitisation of Covid-19
6 宣传者是战斗人员吗?分析战争中宣传者的伦理地位
Are propagandists combatants? Analysing the ethical status of propagandists in warfare
7 国际思想家的影像
Images of international thinkers
题目:Exposing linguistic imperialism: Why global IR has to be multilingual
作者简介:Ersel Aydinli,土耳其安卡拉比尔肯特大学国际关系系教授,研究领域包括国际关系理论、全球化与安全、恐怖主义以及土耳其国内和外交政策;Julie Aydinli,土耳其安卡拉社会科学大学外语学院院长。
A key feature of the long-observed ‘core’ hegemony in International Relations (IR) is a linguistic one, yet it remains the least explored and confronted, with even today’s ‘Global IR’ discussion unquestioningly taking place in English. However, the non-English IR world is demographically and intellectually immense, and global IR cannot afford to ignore it. This study argues that English dominance in IR knowledge production and dissemination is a pillar of a dependent relationship between an English-speaking core and a non-English periphery. It further argues that this linguistic unilateralism, through assimilation, is structurally homogenising, and impedes the periphery’s original contribution potential in an imperialistic manner. This study examines 135 journals from 39 countries in the linguistic periphery to assess the degree and nature of English dominance in them. It explores the relationship between publication language and ranking and analyses citations to understand whether language matters for being cited in the core. We conclude with recommendations for institutions, individuals, and knowledge outlets, including a call for greater multilingualism, which – though a possible risk for parochialism and provincialism – is necessary for periphery concept development and incorporation into a broadened ‘core’, and a necessary stage to curbing the imperialistic impact of linguistic unilateralism and encouraging a genuine globalisation of IR.
题目:Visual (data) observation in International Relations: Attentiveness, close description, and the politics of seeing differently
作者简介:Jonathan Luke Austin,丹麦哥本哈根大学副教授;Isabel Bramsen, 瑞典隆德大学政治科学系副教授,和平与冲突研究主任,主要研究为外交、非暴力抵抗和对话与冲突解决。
Has Visual International Relations (IR) become too distant from the content of visual artefacts? This is a paradoxical question. Visual IR is a vibrant and pluralist field exploring visuals in innumerable ways. Nonetheless, the field tends to focus on ‘deep’ readings of the socio-political implications of visual artefacts at the expense of a close and attentive observation and description of the events, situations, or phenomena they may depict. Simply put, visual IR usually analyses visuals-as-visuals rather than seeing them as entry points for studying the social world. But might a video of torture teach us something about the practicality of torture? Might a video of peace negotiations teach us something about their successes or failures? Can we gain a fleeting glimpse of ‘reality’ within visuals? We address these questions by first situating our focus on close ‘visual (data) observation’ in conceptual conversation with the literature’s existing focus on deep interpretation. Second, we outline three approaches to visual observation as they are deployed outside IR. Third, we unpack how those approaches might be of value for IR, especially vis-à-vis the study of practice, materiality, and discourse. Finally, we conclude by asking if visual data observation can retain critical political potentiality.
题目:Navigating nuclear narratives in contemporary television: The BBC’s Vigil
作者简介:Emily Faux,英国纽卡斯尔大学博士候选人。
摘要:本文探讨了BBC电视剧情《警戒线》(Vigil, 2021),作为构建公众对核武器认知的重要场所。在此过程中,文章不仅超越了以话语为导向的研究方法,还探索了核话语如何在视觉传播、日常接触和大众想象中表现出来。通过对《警戒线》的细致解读,本文质疑了安全、和平与威慑的概念,揭示了该剧如何(偶尔)挑战传统话语的同时,也再现了性别化和种族化的核武器政治表现。这一探索提出了核决策责任、反核活动家的描绘以及核武器作为和平与毁灭双重能动者的呈现等问题。尽管BBC剧集再现了现有的(且有问题的)话语,但它也提供了一个批判性参与的“思考空间”。在当前的地缘政治背景下,本文强调了研究当代核武器表现的紧迫性,以及挑战传统冷战视角的学术研究的必要性。
This article explores the BBC television drama Vigil(2021) as a significant site for the construction of public knowledge about nuclear weapons. In doing so, it extends beyond discourse-oriented approaches to explore how nuclear discourses manifest in visual communication, everyday encounters, and popular imagination. In a close reading of Vigil, this article questions concepts of security, peace, and deterrence, revealing how the series (occasionally) challenges conventional discourses while reproducing gendered and racialised representations of nuclear weapons politics. The exploration asks questions of responsibility for nuclear decision-making, the portrayal of anti-nuclear activists, and the depiction of nuclear weapons as agents of both peace and destruction. While the BBC series reproduces existing (and problematic) discourses, it also provides a ‘thinking space’ for critical engagement. Amid the current geopolitical landscape, this article emphasises the urgency of studying contemporary representations of nuclear weapons and the need for scholarship that challenges traditional Cold War perspectives.
题目:Inscribing security: The case of Zelensky’s selfies
作者简介:Håvard Rustad Markussen,瑞典国防大学政治学与法学系博士毕业生。
‘Visual turn’ scholarship in International Relations (IR) acknowledges the importance of new information and communication technology for the production and circulation of images but lacks sustained engagement with the technologies themselves and how they interact with humans in the visual production of security. This article brings the visual turn into conversation with Science and Technology Studies (STS) and mobilises Latour and Woolgar’s notion of inscription to show how the production of visual artefacts and their security effects are conditioned by human/device interaction. It advances the argument that the representational force of a visual artefact is dependent not only on the content and quality of the artefact itself, but also on the specific human/device relations that condition its production. To illustrate this, the article theorises the smartphone as an inscription device and the selfie as an inscription practice and analyses the case of Zelensky’s selfie videos from the first few days after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Selfies inscribe meaning to security issues by mobilising the photographic affordances of indexicality, composition, and reflection in unique ways. Specifically, they focus images on the communicative acts of their producers and play on the relationship between human and device to invoke feelings of immediacy, authenticity, and intimacy.
题目:‘Chống dịch như chống giặc’ (‘Fighting the pandemic like fighting the invader’): Audience agency and historical resources in Vietnam’s early securitisation of Covid-19
作者简介:Xuan Dung Phan,新加坡尤索夫-伊萨克东南亚研究所越南研究项目研究员;Say Jye Quah,英国剑桥大学政治与国际关系系博士研究生;Minh Son To,新加坡南洋理工大学公共政策与全球事务系研究助理。
Vietnam’s initial response to Covid-19 was conspicuous for various reasons, including how its attempt at securitisation drew deeply from historical narratives, symbols, and traditions specific to the Vietnamese experience, as well as how the securitisation project was not simply top-down and state-driven but also featured ground-up participation where the public was mobilised to participate in and actively reiterate securitisation practices. This richly textured empirical case study of the workings of Vietnamese society and politics represents an invitation to explore key debates surrounding securitisation theory. Reflecting on the empirical material of the case, this paper builds on scholarship seeking to highlight the shortcomings of the Copenhagen School’s model of securitisation and from there further explore securitisation theory and its limits. It takes aim at how the audience and its agency is conceptualised in the theory and develops the notions of ‘historical resources’ and ‘activation architecture’ to more adequately explain the processes of securitisation.
题目:Are propagandists combatants? Analysing the ethical status of propagandists in warfare
作者简介:Marie Robin,法国巴黎大学潘提翁-阿萨斯大学修昔底德中心博士后研究员。
Belligerents increasingly rely on media manipulation, propaganda, and communication to attain strategic advantages in conflict. Given the civilian propagandists’ clear role in creating tactical or strategic advantages for one side in the conflict, should these propagandists be considered combatants, and can they therefore be legitimately targeted because of their activities? This article overcomes traditional binary frameworks of distinction to argue that propagandists are indirectly participating civilians, i.e. participants who cannot be intentionally or directly killed in conflict. Because of their activities, propagandists, it argues, are liable to less-than-lethal harm, of which it identifies three types (destruction of property, privation of liberty, isolation). The article then proposes a necessary criterion – necessity – to decide if less-than-lethal harm is warranted against propagandists. It then creates four new criteria – denial of agency, falsehood, influence, gratification – to serve as assessment criteria able to decide what degree of harm a propagandist may maximally face. In making this argument, the article contributes to just war literature by proposing a novel way to evaluate the ethical status of a highly diverse, yet undoubtedly influential, category of war participants: those who undertake the ‘media battle’, outside of the military.
题目:Images of international thinkers
作者简介:Patricia Owens,英国牛津大学国际关系学教授,研究兴趣包括20世纪国际历史和理论、英美反叛乱和军事干预的历史和当代实践,以及学科史和国际政治思想史。
This article analyses photographic portraits of three international thinkers – Merze Tate, Margery Perham, and Susan Strange – to shed new light on the intellectual and disciplinary history of Internationa Relations (IR). Photographic portraits are ubiquitous, and feminist intellectual recovery projects lend themselves to photographic representation. But IR’s historians have neglected portraits. Drawing together two thriving IR subfields for the first time, visual studies and international intellectual history, this article demonstrates the theoretical and historical gains from analysing portraits of international thinkers. When read alongside other primary and secondary sources, portraits can enable new ways of seeing IR’s history and specific thinkers, offering a distinctive and powerful resource for new narratives about the professional, gendered, and racialised contexts of international thought.
审校 | 赖永祯
排版 | 崔笑蓉
本文源于《国际研究评论》, Vol. 50, No. 6, November 2024,本文为公益分享,服务于科研教学,不代表本平台观点。如有疏漏,欢迎指正。